No one is more personally invested in YOUR investment portfolio than you. Your Total Portfolio newsletter helps you structure a portfolio designed to serve the long-term investor while providing unique investment ideas to capitalize on potential ‘high-return’ stocks.

In today’s world, it’s imperative to take an active role with your investments. Volatility is likely here to stay and big investment firms are primarily focused on how THEY can make money. Your Total Portfolio is designed to help investors of all sophistication structure a portfolio for their needs. The premise of our approach is a portion of your portfolio should own stocks intended as long-term holdings supplemented by tradeable ideas. These will often be small-cap names with significant alpha potential. The holding periods can vary to weeks to months, but they are intended to add ‘juice’ to your portfolio and returns. As you construct your own portfolio, you can simply alter the allocations, choose what you think are the best ideas and start taking an active role in your financial future.

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